Thursday, February 19, 2009

Maybe Mommy Doesn't Want Another Baby?!?!

Okay, so I might just be insane.

But this thought it beginning to cross my mind: are two babies necessarily better than one?

Because I'm realizing or maybe just remembering other things I want to do with my life besides just raise kids. Like travel. Like run a business.


Thoughts, anyone?

Thinking about this sucks and talking about it sucks even more. I brought it up to Hubby Dearest this evening and we reached no conclusion. Sure, having another baby would ensure that the kids could play together. But what about the rest? Babysitting? Mom's Day Out? Every Single Day?

Suddenly, I don't know. I guess you could say I have cold feet.

Of course, if I AM pregnant, that baby is going to have all the love in the world. But... what if I'm not?

I have no idea what to think.

Maybe I'll have clarity soon. (I hope!)

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