Monday, February 11, 2013

Lessons from Pigtails

As I work on refining my homeschool/unschool philosophy I realized today that whether Bombie explicitly counts with me or not she definitely CAN count. She wanted me to braid her hair this morning and so I told her to bring me some hair ties. She comes back with EXACTLY four and then she tells me two for the right side and two for the left. What was that? Division? Nice.

Nevertheless, at grocery shopping, I let them "help" me by taking turns at counting vegetables and fruit as they picked them out and bagged them. I loved that they were involved and I didn't need to tell them to stop fighting or work to keep them out of the way or strapped in the cart as I have in the past.

Against my better judgment I bought them some stuff that would be referred to as educational in a traditional sense. Okay, okay, I'll say it - I bought them flashcards. But in my defense, they picked them out and they weren't too expensive. One is a spin on the classic "Go Fish" game where the kids match upper case and lower case letters and the other has numbers and other math concepts. Bombie matched all the letters at the first go and got bored with the game immediately. Hucksley is a little too young to play with either of them so here they sit and wait. Sigh. Serves me right. I shouldn't be buying flashcards anyway. Way better to learn to count while tying pigtails!

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