Friday, July 31, 2009

Boy, oh Boy!

Yes, you guessed it right. It's a boy, which is just as well, because today I had the typical Mommy guilt moment. I opened a long-forgotten notebook to realize it was supposed to be - horror of horrors - the log book of my second pregnancy written for the child. Ha! I made one for Bombie but lost track of this one. Yeah, yeah, I feel guilty. But you know what, chances are he won't even care. I mean, it IS a boy. So there.

So maybe the old wives' tales are true. There is a lot of collective wisdom in old age after all. And true to the legend, I haven't gained an ounce of weight. (I've actually lost 6 pounds since I got pregnant.) And all my weight is in my stomach. I was showing at close to four months; with Bombie I didn't show until seven months! Also, unlike with Bombie when I was looking very haggard and tired, with this one, I'm glowing. Ah, thank God! I'm actually GLOWING!!! He also looks like a big football. I was telling James (sorry for the PG-13 joke in advance) that I have a little weeny inside me. LOL. All you neo-Freudians draw whatever conclusions you wish now!

That's it. I'm definitely done.

Unless of course just before I turn 35 I think I want another. Hmmm...


  1. I would be so proude is you used the name


  2. Boy Oh Boy!

    You have done a good job.

    Think about naming him Brandan or Brendan I don't lie the Brendan quite as much as Brandan ,after Grandma Brenda

  3. It is nice to have a splip family kids wise, it has been so nice having Michelle and Jeanna in my late life.. Was not easy raising them alone. But they have been such a pain in the Butt and a joy that never ends in my heart.

  4. Hello from Mom.
    Today, Michelle was feeling the stress of having a sweet loving, but destructive very active child. It is not easy being a parent esp. a single parent.
    Lael is going to preschool starting September 15, 2009. Will be here in Yacolt WA. Until she can get a place of her own.

    Today is some what cold. Michelle an Lael went to town to pay bills and get cat food.

    We think of you guys often. Miss seeing you weekly. Seeing you on line is a plus emotionally. We all love you both and baby two.

  5. As I said before I gained 1 pound with James, he was 9 pounds and 4 ounces. Two weeks early. The Doctor said that he would of been 14 more ounces or 10 pounds 02 ounces at birth. If he had been born on time. They took him early. One ounce per day weight gain for any extra days.

    Was 166 when I went into the hospital, 146 or so the day I left the hospital and 130 when James was a month old.

    When His was 3 month I was 140 started gaining weight. Think my thyroid was messed up at the time. May a bit of stress.

  6. Lael and her mother went to the meeting for the preschool parents and kids. Lael is very excited about going to preschool now.

    Michelle has been home sick. She came home work sick.

    She doing some what better now.
    Have a good evening see you on face book.

  7. Lael and her mother went to the meeting for the preschool parents and kids. Lael is very excited about going to preschool now.

    Michelle has been home sick. She came home work sick.

    She doing some what better now.
    Have a good evening see you on face book.
