Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Simpler Life

I want a simpler life. The thought has been bothering me lately, burrowing itself deeper into my mind, eating away at the last of my desires for bigger, brighter, shinier things. Somehow, I have bought into the idea that if a little satisfies, more will fill me up. And I'm learning that perhaps a little is all I need. A little nourishes; more overflows and overwhelms.

I want to learn to be satisfied with little.

I want to hold close to my heart the only things that matter, the things money cannot buy - satisfaction at a house cleaned well, a day lived within the family budget with three healthy meals, children who say "Thank you" on their own when you put food in front of them,  a husband who would readily give up his Sunday morning to go with me to church because he knows it's important to me. I want to live in the simplicity of gratitude, untouched by worldly desires.

I'm not there yet.

But the desire has taken seed and something else inside me has been uprooted. The crown of this world does not fit as well any more. I am filled with a holy discontent and that is a good thing, I think.


  1. I love that you came to this point in your life. I think I've always understood this, instinctively. But I still tend to grab, pluck, plunder and covet. I can't wait for the day when I accept that this is really it. This is really all I need.

  2. Coveting comes so naturally. There were days in the past I would spend fantasizing about BEING someone else, living someone else's life. How sad is that? Television sells that all day, every day, so we don't notice it when we do it, either. I'm so grateful for God's Grace that has gently, lovingly showed me the way.
