Saturday, August 29, 2009

Blubberface, That's Me

A few days ago a friend of mine who is pregnant for the first time and I were sharing pregnancy stories (of course, now that I'm in this a second time, I get to be the know-it-all!) and she mentioned that she was very emotional and cried at commercials. I laughed and said, Thank God, this time it's different.

And then we watched - of all things - Evan Almighty. Does anyone even know this movie? It's where this would-be senator who wants to change the world is visited by God and told to build an ark. OMG. I got all choked up each time there's a reference to the family spending more time together. I know.

So from now on, call me blubberface.


  1. Crying is a part of being pg.
    I believe that you will most certainly be a great home school teacher.

    I also believe that you and James have truly been good for each other as a couple. Be good to each other. Remember that words hurt. So be also careful of what you say in anger.

    I am truly pleased with you both. I think about you and your family. I love you more than you realize.

  2. I always knew I was pregnant when I'd cry at church...scrunch-face-can't-hide-it-cry...


