Thursday, April 23, 2009

Of Babies, Heartbeats, and the Million Other Little Voices...

I'm pregnant. There, I said it. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it? Then will someone please tell me why it's taking me so long to tell my father and my brother about it? Hmmm.... tough one. Everyone else knows. Heck, I even announced it on Facebook. To people I haven't met in eons! Then why not my family?

But, more on the musings on my family later. Lay-ter! The good news is I'M F---ING PREGNANT!!! (And I have the pregnancy test and the HCG results to prove it!) Ha. Yay, my body loves me. It really, really loves me.

Of course, this didn't happen without drama. You want the whole story? Okay, you got it.

So anyhoo, here I am a week late and take a home pregnancy test. Nothing. Ridiculous. Then we bottle wine that weekend and I drink quite a bit of it. Later that night, I say, "I'm pukey. I think I might be pregnant." Day after that I'm bone-tired. I mean, tired enough to not want to go buy a Macbook. THAT'S tired! And I've been completely emotionally uncontrollable. Crying at commercials, etc. So not me.

Two days after I take another test. And there it is.

But I want confirmation. So I decide to wait until the OB confirms it. But somewhere in there between the waiting, I have spotted. Panicked calls. They call me in. And then horror of horrors - there's no heartbeat!!! UGH. I hate panicking. I especially hate panicking while they have an ultrasound thingy shoved up my hmm-hmm.

Then I get to take a blood test. HCG levels have doubled just fine, but the lab assistant there bruises me when she takes me blood. I mean literally. I have a purple bruise on my arm. (Should I sue? Is it worth any money, you think?)

Finally, last week there's a heartbeat. Apparently, it was just too freaking early the last time. I am supposedly just six weeks along. I thought I was 7.5 weeks! I really, really ovulated late. So all that baby-dancing didn't do anything, but when we quit trying and had sex just for the fun of it, poof! Baby. Ha, who thought the good old fashioned way would work?!?!

Here's hoping the rest of the pregnancy is mostly uneventful! I'm already motion-sick with all this drama. And oh yeah, did I mention I have to go in for another ultrasound just to check out this child's heartbeat again?

On the bright side, I'M PREGNANT!!! Important to remember that! YAY!!!


  1. Yay! Babies are the best!


  2. CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so exciting. I'm glad everything looks good and I'm looking forward to following your progress.
